Our Top 10 Laugh Out Loud Funny Amazon Movie Reviews

Funny Amazon movie reviews

It’s Monday morning so why not cheer yourself up with some funny Amazon movie reviews courtesy of the Twitter account, Amazon Movie Reviews. They scour Amazon and  do a great job of finding the best/worst/weirdest reviews people have left for films.

Here’s ten of our favourites.

1. The Wolf Of Wall Street
Joe Watson rates the film one star, “There were no wolves in the movie”.

2. The Dark Knight Rises
Mike delivers a one star review stating, “There is no need for me to watch movies due to the fact l don’t watch movies at all”.

3. National Treasure: Book of Secrets
Kimberly Kennemer rates this title 5 stars with high praise, “Nicolas Cage is a good actor in this movie. You actually almost doesn’t (sic) recognize him with his glasses on”.

4. The King’s Speech
Zooni delivers a gather harsh two-star review, “I felt a disconnect with Colin Firth’s character so l couldn’t fully get into this film. I’m sorry, l just don’t have the patience or time to deal with people who stutter. It’s annoying and l feel that they should just try not to speak, they should just write things down on paper”.

5. Mad Max: Fury Road
1 star review from GrootyFruity, “Was expecting Max to get mad, didn’t happen”.

6. Monsters, Inc.
1 star from Joe for this one, “Too many monsters”.

7. The Neverending Story
More high praise, another five star review, “A boy flying in the air dog”.

8. Anaconda
Kinnfrole comments, “very disappointed with the lack on Nicki Minaj in this film.”

9. The Shining
Wayne Hughes comments, “it’s hard to believe that a hotel that size in Colorado would close in the winter with all the skiing business”.

10. Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol

Asa Walker points out a flaw in Tom Cruise’s film leaving a one-star review with the comment, “The mission was not impossible”.

Hat tip to The Poke for bringing this to our attention.

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Hopefully you’ve composed yourself after having a good laugh! Getting great customer feedback is no laughing matter and one of Amazon’s main factors in deciding which seller wins the Buy Box. Sign up today for your 30 day free trial of Amazon feedback software, FeedbackExpress including 10,000 free messages!

*A version of this article first appeared on the RepricerExpress website

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