A tool for smart selective feedback and reputation management

Improve your brand reputation on Amazon, eBay and your online store

No credit card required • 14 day trial

Drive sales revenue with more 5* reviews

Generate more reviews, without any of the extra time or effort

Generate reviews while you sleep. Automate feedback requests on your webstore, marketplace and review platforms. Improve your reputation and sell more with minimal effort.

No more switching between tabs or keeping track of different logins

Simplify your reviews process with one central platform. Manage feedback for all your sales channels with one FeedbackExpress account.

Acquire reviews confidently, with full policy compliance

As official developer partners with Amazon and eBay, FeedbackExpress complies with all marketplace feedback policies.

Smart selective targeting options

Request feedback on the right products, from the right customers, at the right time


Get 5-star reviews by sending selective feedback requests on product orders that perform well. Exclude SKUs that have a poor feedback record.


Send requests to customers who have left positive feedback before, blacklist customers who have a history of negative feedback. Use your mailbox ticket data to exclude customers with open support tickets from request.


Reduce negative reviews by only sending feedback requests on orders that were delivered on time or only send requests to customers that selected expedited shipping.

Optimize and personalize your feedback process

Create the perfect strategy that helps you increase positive feedback, improve your ranking and beat the competition


Improve your response rates by using personalized tags that automatically insert customer details, product, order information and much more.


Refine your feedback strategy by testing message content. Run simple tests that improve your results.

Customize emails

Tailor your email messages to suit your business. Create templates, edit subject line, language, formatting. Make it work for you.

Follow up

Offer a great customer experience by following up with helpful guides and resources to show your customer how to get the most out of your product.

Returning customers

Reward your loyal customers and send personalized Thank You messages that can be automated from your FeedbackExpress account.


Choose when customers receive your feedback requests. How long after order dispatch, delivery and time of day are up to you.

Customer history

Exclude customers from receive feedback requests based on previous negative reviews or open support tickets

Respond to feedback

Auto-generate a new support ticket when negative feedback is received and route it to the most suitable agent.

Proactive outreach

Preempt issues such as late delivery and provide updates to customers to reduce the likelihood of negative feedback

Customer context

Customer review history is visible within support tickets, providing agents with greater context about the customer's brand experience and how they should approach their issue.

Reporting & Insights

Access insights to help refine your feedback strategy and drive more sales

Measure performance

Monitor your response rates over time and measure the impact of your feedback strategy.

Star ratings

Pursue perfect seller metrics. See all your feedback scores at a glance to identify problem areas.

Positive Feedback

Analyze the trends in your positive feedback scores to identify top performing channels, products, fulfillment methods and more.

Recent Reviews

View your latest reviews in your dashboard so you can respond quickly to negative feedback.

Trusted by thousands of online retailers big and small

We’ve been hitting 100% positive feedback since we started using FeedbackExpress. Our Amazon feedback is now at 100% which was previously unheard of for us.

Abby Render
Assistant Manager

Using FeedbackExpress we have increased our feedback across Amazon and eBay to over 400 positive reviews per month, maintaining a 99% positive seller rating.

Gareth Halford
Managing Director

Start getting more reviews on Amazon, eBay – and more – today

No credit card required • 14 day trial