Each day, we hear more stories about businesses that seem to place customer loyalty way down at the bottom of their lists of priorities (ahem, United, we’re looking at you). But not today! Today, FeedbackExpress will show you 7 easy ways you can grow ecommerce customer loyalty and make some change for the better in the world.
1. A/B Testing on Landing Page vs Product Listing Page
When you’re creating an ad campaign, you usually gear it so that the consumer sees a product’s page when he/she clicks on that ad. But what if you tested the effectiveness of bringing them to your homepage/category page instead? A page that you can customise with more friendliness and options than a product page? This can be one way to give them more options and show them something they might never have thought of.
2. A Reminder Message About the Contents of Their Cart
If a consumer leaves your site without buying the things in their cart, there’s a super high chance you’ve lost that sale. And the more time they spend off your site, the higher the chances of there being no sale. One way to counteract this is with a popup message as they’re about to click off (here’s a straightforward tutorial for using JS, HTML and CSS to create your own in about five minutes). Configure the message with the personality of your brand instead of writing a generic, annoying ‘are you sure you want to leave?’ message.
3. Don’t Give Up with the Cross-selling and Upselling
Recently, I bought a new smartphone on Prime Day. It was great and I was consumed with playing with it the second it arrived. But a few days later, I got an email from Amazon saying, ‘Users who bought [this phone] usually also purchase these items’. Hmm, I thought, maybe it would make sense to outfit my brand new phone in a case and upgrade on the earbuds. What Amazon did was really smart: they recognised that people like a few days to enjoy their new purchases and get used to what works and what doesn’t, and then they send them an email showing how they can enhance their item.
4. Display the Shopper’s Browsing/Purchasing History
If you use Echo to purchase an Amazon item, Alexa will first browse your purchasing history to find that item. Why not apply the same concept to you buyers? When they visit your page, engage them by displaying the things they’ve looked at or bought before in a tab off to the side. This cuts down on the amount of time they spend looking for the same or similar items — anything you can do to make your buyer’s life easier tends to result in higher odds of a sale for you.
5. The Best Loyalty Programs Are All About Timing
Pop quiz: when’s the best time to promote your loyalty program (and every good seller has one!) Is it:
- (a) As soon as a first-time buyer visits your page so they know all about it?
- (b) When they’ve made a couple of purchases?
- (c) When they’re completing their first purchase?
The best answer tends to be (c) because it hits that sweet spot: the second a person visits your page feels like overzealous enthusiasm, while a repeat buyer may feel hard done by for not reaping any rewards. But introducing your loyalty program just before they click ‘buy’ can incentivise them enough to sign up.
6. Add in Informative Resources For Your Items
When selling a product, don’t stop at just the image and description. Take things one step further by adding in a fun explanatory video or a little document to accompany items. This helps highlight your brand as being different from the rest and as caring more about the customer experience than most merchants.
7. Stop Promotional Emails From Getting Deleted
Just about every merchant sends out promotional emails. But the really good ones dress it up as something prettier than a blatant plea for more sales. They personalise the message by tailoring the content to that person, starting with addressing them by name and topping off with things like ‘just for you — an extra day for [this sale]!’